5 Simple Tips To Start A Meditation Practice

Meditation is gaining popularity nowadays. Mind, body and soul alignment is practically impossible without practice of meditation. Meditation is known to reduce stress, lower anxiety issues, enhance positivity, inner peace and deep relaxation. One easily finds a path to control emotions and eliminate anger.

It can be difficult to initially gather concentration to meditate. Focussing on one’s mind, controlling inner feelings while meditation and paralleling one’s thoughts can be a challenge at a time. The Yoga and Meditation retreat program at Sattva Yoga Academy in Rishikesh helps its disciples to get maximum from meditation and helps beginners to gather concentration and helps to focus on one’s well-being.

One can begin with a timer of less than 5 minutes only by keeping eyes closed and an empty mind. Controlling inhale and exhale is very important. Following are few points to remember when starting to meditate:
  1. Fix an Aim Everyday: An individual has to set an aim every morning, determine to wake up early, sit under the morning sunlight and meditate. A constant aim is what will keep an individual motivated.
  2. Consistency:The benefits of meditation do not start to reap in a day. Constant practice is required to enjoy meditation. Practice is required constantly to bring meditation into your schedule.
  3. Peaceful Mind and breath Control: It is very important to have dedication and along with dedication, a peaceful mind is equally required to reach the goal every day. Taking in deep-breath and exhaling while relaxing calms the mind and links the mind, soul and body.
  4. Sitting Posture: Sitting upright, back straight and crossed legs are the right posture for meditation.
  5. Best Spot for Meditation: Choose the right spot when you begin meditation as lots of disturbances and distractions can make you avoid and delay your meditation practice.

Sattva Academy has a variety and plethora of courses tailor-made for every individual’s requirement. The search for proper guidance ends here where you get to experience Yoga and meditation from Guru Anand Mehrotra. To know more about Meditation retreat, you can check reviews of Sattva Yoga Academy and enrol yourself to explore the benefits of Yoga and Meditation.

Read Also: https://sites.google.com/view/tips-for-ideal-night-routine/home


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